Complete health insurance + health management layout

  • Licensed health insurance operator

    We have obtained approval from the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission for the establishment of Fosun United Health Insurance, which became the sixth professional health insurance company in China . Fosun United Health Insurance operates in all areas of China and overseas

  • Global Coverage of Health Management

    Operates health management services in several major Chinese cities, working with over 600 medical institutions and physical examination centers and gathering the world’s top-class medical resources.

  • United Family Healthcare (UFH)

    RMB 1 million guaranteed for 5 years

  • Creating happiness and security with Lifetime Medical Insurance

    Specially managed medical insurance

  • 1.819 billion

    As of December 31, 2019, the national insurance business income of Fosun United Health Insurance reached 1.819 billion yuan in 2019, with a year-on-year increase of 249.79%; as an emerging characteristic commercial health insurance company, Fosun United health insurance is committed to creating a digital and intelligent health service environment. At present, Internet insurance will achieve a premium income of 714 million yuan in 2019, with a year-on-year increase of 154%, accounting for 39.5% of the company's total premium income.

  • 卓尔荟


  • 星康链

    星康链(上海星康链健康科技有限公司)成立于2018年12月,是一家医疗产业互联网公司。以构建以人为本的智慧健康城为愿景,致力于医疗健康产业领域数字化转型,推进产业与科技的混合创新。 星康链凭借自身成熟先进的数据中台能力,连接渗透到健康产业各企业和机构内部从而实现产业上下游生态的充分协同。围绕用户需求重新组织要素,打通健康产业间内外部连接,积极助力先进技术在实际应用场景的落地,从而为健康产业提供新动能,焕发新生,打造全价值链的融合。 使命:智慧健康医疗,使每个家庭更幸福 愿景:构建以人为本的智

  • 复衡保险经纪


  • 星益健康


  • 复星联合健康保险

